
We're working on it...

We'll publish our prices closer to launch. In the meantime...

Start for free

Get up to speed with Prolog
$0 for 1 user
We'll let you know when Prolog goes live.
Integrated notes and ratings
Use tags to filter your favorite writers
Up to 1 User on 1 Show
Up to 25 writer submissions
Basic email support

Showrunner plan

Fully-featured staffing for your show
$99 / user per month
We'll let you know when Prolog goes live.
Up to 5 Users on 1 Show
Up to 300 writer submissions
Unlimited viewing and editing
Collaborate with your whole team
Advanced chat and email support

Studio plan

Advanced features for your whole slate
Let's talk
We'll let you know when Prolog goes live.
Manage all of your shows
Feature-rich reporting and analytics
Advanced permissions management
Unlimited writer submissions
Premium chat and support

Request a demo

Set up a time to meet with us and we'll give you a sneak peek.
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Coming Fall 2023

Register now and we'll ping you as soon as we launch.
We don't mess around with privacy. Check out our privacy policy.
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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Is there a free trial available?
Absolutely! Any user can try Prolog for free. The free trial is limited to 1 User on 1 Show, with a total of 25 Writer submissions. It’s the perfect way to take Prolog for a spin and see if it’s right for you.
That’s it? 3 Plans?
Kinda! We offer an off-menu Hiatus plan that lets you hold on to all the data you input for $49 / user per month. This plan is view-only, and is perfect for maintaining a master list of writers between staffing one season and the next.
What is your cancellation policy?
The Showrunner plan operates on a monthly basis and you can cancel your plan at any time. The cancellation policy of the Studio plan is outlined in your contract.
Do I get to keep all my data when I cancel?
For the purposes of security and privacy, we remove writer data when a plan is canceled. If you don’t want to pay for the full Showrunner plan but you want to preserve all the hard work you did tagging, rating and inputting notes, we offer an off-menu Hiatus plan that lets you keep your data for $49/user per month. Contact us for more info.
How much does the Studio plan cost?
It varies wildly! The cost for a production company with 6 employees and 4 active shows will cost less than the cost for a streaming platform with thousands of employees and hundreds of active shows. That’s why we want to talk to you: To optimize your plan for your specific needs. Contact us for more info.
How does billing work?
Any user can add a credit card to get started on the Showrunner plan. That card will be billed once per month and you’ll be sent an invoice to pass on to accounting.

Still have questions?